Kamis, 01 November 2012


twin dogs

Here we give you some tips to avoid risks and preventive health care for puppies - Keeping your little rascal is healthy!

Before feeding the puppy

If a puppy at the age of about eight weeks to move in with his new family, can definitely be compared with a toddler. Without awareness of hazards, curious and clumsy he lumbers from one adventure to another. Outlets, indoor plants, wool ball, power cable - everything can be a danger to him. Before the puppy arrives, you make it so the way it is recommended to parents of small children. Go on all fours, you crawl from every square foot apartment and look out for anything that might jeopardize the four-legged explorer. You will be amazed how many hazards you will find! Despite this precaution, do not let puppies during the first weeks unattended.

The first visit to the vet

After a short adjustment period, you should consult with your new family member to the vet. He will determine the health of the dog and child puts you set a specific timetable for the necessary vaccinations and deworming. Puppies that come from good attitude, are usually already been vaccinated for the first time against parvo (P), distemper (S), infectious hepatitis (H) and leptospirosis (L). If so, should be in the tenth week again SHPL vaccinated against rabies and also (T). It is recommended six months later to vaccinate against SHPLT again, to be sure that the vaccine is effective.
Free parasites before the primary vaccination

Before receiving a vaccination should a puppy be reasonably free from parasites. For parasites, particularly worms, can affect the effectiveness of vaccination. It must be assumed that every puppy is at least afflicted with roundworms, because the larvae of this worm species are transferred into milk. Due to the life cycle of these parasites is not enough worming. As the worms reside in different stages of development in different regions of the body and organs, only the parasites that reside in the gut actually achieved by an anthelmintic. This means that puppies must be wormed regularly to safely kill all worm generations.
Health Education

Many dogs can be reluctant to touch the muzzle, ears and paws. Some animals even react aggressively and can only be examined sedatives or muzzled. That means for dog owner and veterinarian stress. From the beginning, you should accustom your puppy to touch on all parts of the body. He should learn that people are touched by pleasant. Several times a day, you should look him in the ears, lift the lips to touch the gums, examine the paws, etc. Reward him when he keeps silent. It is recommended that the puppy loving and gentle, but consistently get used to brushing your teeth - that spared him any painful dental problems and your vet bills.