Sabtu, 03 November 2012


many toxic foods and plants for dogs
There are many toxic foods and plants for dogs. All of the toxins that affect dogs are too numerous to mention in an article so it is best to research anything you aren't sure about. Ask your vet or check with an animal organization like the ASPCA.
A few minutes you have not been paying attention and it may have happened: The dog has eaten something that does not get him.

Immediately back to the vet

What we like has to be far from good for the dog. It can be a major health hazard and even death. The reason is that some dogs metabolize food differently than humans. If you suspect that your dog has come in contact with poison or has received it, please call the vet immediately - even in the evening or on weekends.

Toxic foods - chocolate and Co.

To toxic foods include chocolate (!), Some avocado varieties, grapes and raisins, raw pork and onions Small amounts of any kind can be, but cause no symptoms of poisoning. It always depends on the quantity, the weight of the dog and the breed.

Chocolate not only causes adverse health love handles, but for the animals can cause severe poisoning. Because Cocoa contains theobromine, which is lethal at a dose of 100 mg per kg body weight of the dog. Symptoms of poisoning, it is already in much smaller quantities. Epileptic dogs react very strongly to the enjoyment of chocolate. Even a tiny bit can cause severe seizures. In the other dogs snacking leads to four to twelve hours to the following symptoms: restlessness, agitation, vomiting and diarrhea. There are also strong urgency to incontinence, muscle tremors, muscle spasms and paralysis of the hindquarters. The death of the animal is caused by a failure of the heart. A further complication is that dogs excrete theobromine very slowly. If the dog regularly gets a piece of chocolate, there may be an accumulation of theobromine in the body. The higher the cocoa content in chocolate, the more dangerous it is for dogs! When the avocados for the ingredient Persin poisoning is responsible. Again, it may come at too high a dose to a fatal heart failure. Raw pork can contain the pseudorabies virus is not harmful to humans, which is deadly to dogs. Grapes and raisins in large quantities can cause acute kidney failure in dogs, which can lead to death. Onions in large quantities, whether raw, boiled or steamed, they contain all the materials and N-propyl disulfide Allylpropyldisulfid. This causes destruction of red blood cells and in the further course can trigger a life-threatening anemia.

Poisonous Plants

The toxicity of plants is often underestimated. Most dog owners do not know that they have a toxic plant for the dog in the house or garden. The most poisonous plants, which are found in nature: laburnum, monkshood, foxglove, daphne, boxwood, yew, lily of the valley, oleander. Most of these plants to solve strong gastrointestinal irritation, with vomiting and diarrhea. In large quantities, but they can also lead to death. In the following houseplants you should watch: ivy, philodendron, Calla, Topfazalee, primroses, dieffenbachia, poinsettia and coral trees.